
We’re grateful for your prayer support – below are some current prayer requests from the Leadership Team:


Pray that God will soften hearts so that we will begin to see the world as God sees it.   (Ezekiel 11:19)

Pray for an outpouring of generosity by the CPC community.

2 Cor. 9:6-15:

  • Our generosity results in thanksgiving to God
  • Our generosity proves our confession of Christ as our Lord

Pray that many who are unchurched will connect with this project, see what God is doing and come to faith themselves.  (Matthew 5:13-16)

Pray for the right attitude toward Sintaro for the ‘Needs Assessment Team’ and all CPC’ers and others involved.  (Matthew 5:3)

“Until we embrace our mutual brokenness, our work with low-income people is likely to do far more harm than good.”  –When Helping Hurts

  • Pray for humility and cultural sensitivity that we may listen well

Pray that, as many bring their time, talents and treasure to the project that the glory of God will be revealed to them through their offering (Luke 6:38)  Pray that many who have not found a place of service will feel called to this project and receive the blessings of serving in His body.

Pray that the project helps people embrace a kingdom view of money:

(Matthew 6:24)

  • It’s not our money- it all      comes from God
  • We are not entitled to it but      entrusted with it
  • God expects us to use it in      the interest of His kingdom  (Rich      Stearns)

There are economic, political, social and religious systems that keep many in poverty in Sintaro, all of Ethiopia and elsewhere.  Pray for this brokenness.  Pray for our ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18-20) that we can help alleviate poverty by being the ambassadors of Christ’s reconciliation at every level of oppression in Sintaro and beyond.

Please pray for the children who will be sponsored and their families.  Pray that they and their families will come to have a personal relationship with Christ and that their material needs will be met.  The 100 kids (50 boys, 50 girls) are selected now and we will be getting the bio-data in the next two weeks.  Please pray for the families whose children were not selected.  Pray for wisdom as to how to allocate sponsorship for the children we have.

Given the limited number of children to sponsor, pray for clarity as to what else can we be offering to folks to allow them to participate financially.

Pray for the villagers who are beginning to build the temporary structure that will house the school in the fall.    The temporary structure will start to be constructed this coming week.  Pray that they engage their hearts as they begin to build toward renewal in their village.

Pray for the hydrology study that they will be able to locate the exact right spot that we are to dig for the well.    Zenebe has a meeting with David Harding of “Water for Life” this week.  The hydrology study is not scheduled yet.

Pray for those who will be going on the Needs Assessment Team in October.    Pray that those God desires to go will be nudged to do so.

Pray for the 2 upcoming fundraising efforts:  Hike for Sintaro and Canvas for Causes.   Pray for the preparations, logistics, artists, hikers and for the success of both in raising funds for the project.

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