1. Who is HOPE Enterprises and why is CPC partnering with this organization?
Hope is an Ethiopian non-government organization whose mission is to help the poorest of the poor move out of poverty using a model they call ‘The Ladder of Hope’. This model starts with providing
the most basic of needs (clean water, sanitation), and expands to include education, vocational training, self-sufficiency and spiritual development. Some of the benefits of working with Hope are:

a. They are indigenous to Ethiopia an dkow the culture and laws.
b. They are experienced with Area Development Projects.
c. They highly encourage the active, hands-on involvement of CPC.
d. They are efficient with the monies provided.
e. They are ultimately responsible for the project. Their model is to work with the local churches through all phases of area development.


2. What might a short-term (1-2 week) mission trip to Ethiopia look like?
Typical short-term trips could include building classrooms, conducting VBS, leadership training for the village, vocational training projects like building irrigation systems for gardens, medical clinics,  and conduct health and hygience education training. All short-term project needs would be deermined through collaboration with HOPE, Sintaro Village leaders, school leaders and Church leaders.


3. How will Sintaro Village 2020 contribure to the life and ministry of the local churches in and around the village?
The HOPE mission and vision is to provide hope to the poorest of the poor through holistic and transformational human development. To show the love of God to the poorest of the poor by being an instrument of His mercy, compassion and justice. This project will enable the village church to be a partner in supporting the spiritual growth together with the basic requirements for a foundation of a healthy lifestyle. This is

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