Our Medical Team is Home!

…and do they have ALOT to share!

Hear all about the Medical Team Report on Sunday, March 9th in the CPC Chapel.  10:30AM – 11:45AM


Here’s a sample of their time in Sintaro:

This morning we have a few patients returning for procedures from yesterday too.  One of the elders had a huge gash on his foot.  Yesterday JB cleaned it a bit and wrapped it up for the night.  He also put him on antibiotics.  It looked pretty nasty, so JB was anticipating debriding it with a local anesthetic.  He was there first thing this morning and when JB pulled off the dressing it was a beautiful healthy looking wound.  Only medical people can really call wounds beautiful, but he didn’t even have to debride it.  He just cleaned it again and wrapped it, provided some extra dressings and JB actually brought an extra pair of tennis shoes and they fit perfectly.  God at work!!!  Miracle #1!!! 

 Steve had a man returning with a large lipoma on his hip.  This isn’t life threatening or even painful, just looks weird.  It was about the size of a racquetball ball sticking out from his hip.  We set up 4 of the school desks and threw a mattress on top to make a surgical table.  Katie got to assist her dad in removing this mass of fatty tissue.  It was amazing!!  I was mesmerized!!!  And several others were too.  With a small incision, Steve gained access to the tissue and began his wrestling match, pulling, pushing.  Within a small amount of time Katie was holding a large mass of tissue with a pair of forceps while Steve sutured up the hip of this gentleman.  I watched the man as he stood up and the gathering had dispersed.  He kept rubbing his hands up and down his hips.  I looked at him and smiled and through an interpreter understood him say, ‘they feel the same again’.  Miracle #2!!!  Even though it wasn’t a life or death, the Lord used this to grow our impact in the community.  This man I watched throughout the day and he had villagers gathered around him as he shared his story.  May God continue to use it for His glory!!!

Our Medical Team is in Sintaro Village

We’re so excited to see what God will do with our Medical Team currently in Sintaro Village! We have 12 people on this trip evaluating the medical needs and resources for the village. We’ll post more as we hear from them this coming week.

Are you interested in being on a Team that visits Sintaro Village?
If so, then save the dates July 17th – July 27th and join us for our Summer Bible Camp Trip!
Our hope is to continue to develop relationships with the village and to partner with the local churches to sponsor a Bible Camp for the week. Christian adult education will also be a part of the training offered.

We need folks to help with the planning of the trip and also to travel and help with the camp. If you want to see first hand, what God is doing in Sintaro Village, Ethiopia please pray about getting involved…it will be life changing!

For more information, you can contact Gary Taggart at gary.taggart@comcast.net


CPC Special Christmas Offering

Each year CPC takes a Special Christmas offering which is above and beyond our regular weekly giving.  This year we are grateful that Sintaro Village will be one of 4 recipients!  You can WATCH THE VIDEO and DONATE right here.
The theme of our Christmas offering is: “For God so Loved the World…”
Thank you for living that message of Christmas this year by sharing the love of Jesus with others.

We’ve got pictures!

We’re so happy to see progress on the temporary school in Sintaro!  Soon we’ll be ready to sponsor the first 100 students! For more info about our upcoming sponsorship opportunities, check out the updates on our Sponsorships Page or stop by The Hut in between weekend services!

Construction Update