Our Medical Team is in Sintaro Village

We’re so excited to see what God will do with our Medical Team currently in Sintaro Village! We have 12 people on this trip evaluating the medical needs and resources for the village. We’ll post more as we hear from them this coming week.

Are you interested in being on a Team that visits Sintaro Village?
If so, then save the dates July 17th – July 27th and join us for our Summer Bible Camp Trip!
Our hope is to continue to develop relationships with the village and to partner with the local churches to sponsor a Bible Camp for the week. Christian adult education will also be a part of the training offered.

We need folks to help with the planning of the trip and also to travel and help with the camp. If you want to see first hand, what God is doing in Sintaro Village, Ethiopia please pray about getting involved…it will be life changing!

For more information, you can contact Gary Taggart at gary.taggart@comcast.net


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